A conversation with Chilliwack Youth Pastors. Lucas Mannes from Southside and Brock Wright from Mainstreet join Zack for a discussion about living in a period of time filled with constant information.
Journal & Discussion Prompts
What are three pieces of news I received this year that were disappointing or stressful?
Lucas mentioned that news & social media can distract us from opportunities that are right in front of us. Do I relate to that?
Zack brought up a theory that using the internet to know “everything” is our attempt to be like God - and we’re not ready for it. What do I think about that?
Brock talked about eternity being written on our hearts. Do I long for something more than what I’ve experienced in this life?
Lucas shared some of the boundaries he has created with his phone. What are some boundaries I have in my life? If I have none, why is that?
What are three things that serve as a foundation in my life?
What are some of my frustrations with the world? What good things do they tell me about myself?
Do I have a healthy relationship with news & social media? If yes, what makes it healthy? If no, what makes it unhealthy?