"I NEED HELP” (Video)

A conversation with Chilliwack Youth Pastors part two. Lucas Mannes from Southside and Brock Wright from Mainstreet join Zack for a discussion about reaching out.

Journal & Discussion Prompts

  1. How do I feel about asking for help?

  2. What are a few different reasons someone might reach out?

  3. Zack mentioned that vulnerability is being known accurately. When do I hesitate to be vulnerable? And when is it easy?

  4. Brock said that people can relate to our weaknesses more than our strengths. What do I think about that?

  5. How do I relate to the story of Peter that Brock shared?

  6. Lucas felt like he didn’t need to reach out, but later he did. What is the value of getting support before it feels necessary?

  7. Do I really believe that in my darkest moment, Jesus would reach out to me?

  8. What could I do this week to be a bit more vulnerable?

  9. How can I prepare myself to be a supportive listener when someone reaches out to me?


"I’M NOT HAPPY” (Video)


Get Over Yourself: Why I Wear Crazy Hats (Stories)