"I’M NOT HAPPY” (Video)

A conversation with Chilliwack Youth Pastors part three. Lucas Mannes from Southside and Brock Wright from Mainstreet join Zack for a discussion about feeling down.

Journal & Discussion Prompts

  1. Have I felt down more than usual lately? Why or why not?

  2. What are a few different reasons people might be feeling down recently?

  3. Lucas shared about the difference between happiness and joy. What separates those two?

  4. Brock shared a story about an angel taking care of someone who was depressed. What stood out about that story?

  5. Do I find that my positivity and negativity are momentous?

  6. Zack said that he learned from the life of Jesus that some things are worth being sad about. What do I think is worth being sad about?

  7. What is something I can try to turn my day around when I’m stuck?

  8. Zack says that his sadness is reduced knowing that he knows how the story ends. What does this mean?

  9. How can I find joy over the next few weeks?


Why Trust The Bible? (YouthTV)


"I NEED HELP” (Video)